Thursday, December 23, 2010


I have never been very good at waiting.  I don't deal well with delayed gratification.  I am just not a patient person.  I have been thinking about this theme lately - waiting.  I've written here before that I don't want to wait until I'm in my 50s to start living - like so many women of my mother's generation.  But I've come to realize lately that's it is important that I wait.  Not to start living, but to understand that there is a time and a season for everything and that acquiring life wisdom is important and will help me become who I dream to be.  That 35 is young..  That's hard for me to say.  Everyone keeps telling me what I have accomplished, but I'll be honest, I don't see it.  I feel like there's more.  Like I should be and have and do more.  I know intellectually it's a litle ridiculous, but I don't know how to KNOW it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I haven't blogged in a while, but I read this today and in case anyone is reading, I had to share - it's from  You can read the entire post here, but this is the "Commitment of Words."  I need this to take this challenge:

A Commitment of Words

We commit to using our words to defend and heal, not to harm.

We will not gossip.

We will not belittle.

We will guard our sisters by always speaking the best about them, encouraging them into all God would have them to be, and offering grace instead of condemnation.

We will be loyal and loving, remembering that even if we disagree we still fight on the same side–never against each other.

We will use our words to build up not tear down, to bring hope and not hurt.

We offer our words as a powerful weapon to fight for each other on the side of all that is good, right, and true.