Tuesday, September 16, 2008

An Anniversary

I'm not one of those people who keeps up with random dates. I do well to remember the birthdays of my family members, but I remember today. I met my husband 7 years ago today - the Sunday after September 11. It was my first night volunteering with the junior high youth group at Brentwood Prebyterian Church in Brentwood, California and it was his last night as the junior high youth director. We have had a crazy 7 years. Here we are, a move to Kentucky, a child, a divorce, an annulment of that divorce, and another child later. In the midst of a ton of external stress that isn't going away anytime soon. And I think we're happier than we've been in a very long time. I don't regret any of it.


Melissa said...

I'm intrigued by your story...the divorce/annulment of said divorce...hmmm. Have you posted specifics about this anywhere? I thought I had looked pretty thoroughly, but I haven't come across this story. And I must say, I'm a girl who likes the details. So, if you're up for it, do tell!

Abe said...

Hey Steph - been a long time. Good to see that you've been actively thinking and writing. Interesting stuff here.

I see you've been writing a little bit about Palin. Hope you've been watching the snippets of interviews that are whipping around the net. I can understand how this pick would enrage any feminist. Everyone is back to handling the woman with kid gloves. Can you begin to imagine what would happen if a man were giving these rambling incoherent answers to simple questions? He'd be savaged and run off the ticket. She should be, too.

Anyway and otherwise, happy you're happy.

stephanie said...

You are so right, Abe. I can't imagine what would happen if a man were saying the things Palin is saying. I'm not sure why she's getting a pass from so many people? Is it because she's a woman? I don't know. I think it's because McCain supporters knew she was a joke all along. I wonder sometimes if they are kicking themselves for picking her every time she speaks or if they are laughing at the American public for still liking her. Because a lot of people really do like her.