Monday, September 8, 2008

Avoiding Sarah

So, it's about time. I've been avoiding her for over a week now because, well, she confuses me. But I really can't have a blog about the trials of a working mother and not talk about the pink elephant in the middle of the room can I? I want to - because I don't know what to think and my head starts spinning every time I try to decide, but here I sit with my glass of wine (which, oddly enough, has stopped my head from spinning) and I've decided that though I'm not really ready, it's time to write about her.

When McCain first announced his running mate, I was pissed. No one had ever heard of her and she did not appear to have any qualifications. I was sure it was a publicity stunt and an insulting one, at that. He just went out and found a token woman - a pretty one - to save his campaign. Then, I read about her. And she intrigued me. So I set my DVR and watched her convention speech. First thought: "God, her voice is annoying." Second thought: "Wow, she's really feisty. I kind of like her." Third thought: "She scares me." Both because she's so far to the right and because I think she is a formidible threat. Also: "Really good jabs at Obama. They're low, but someone wrote some good one-liners for her."

So after the speech, I didn't know what to think. I kind of liked her. I was moved by the historic significance of the GOP choosing a woman and the potential for her to be our first female vice-president and even good chance of being president (does anyone else have a hard time talking about John McCain's potential to die in office so flippantly??? it seems like we've just resigned that the poor guy won't live more than a year or so. he's only in his 70s . . ... But, I digress). I talked to people about it. Men and women, republicans and democrats and everyone seemed to love her speech. One republican woman I know went from being so offended that McCain picked her to re-considering her vow not to vote for him.

What bothered me afer the speech was, well, what bothered me. I'm ashamed to admit it but I sincerely wondered how she could leave her smallest child, who she was still breastfeeding, and has special needs, to pursue this. I thought about the stories about her going back to work only a few days after more than one of her children was born and I judged her. Who does that? What job is that important?

I know. Maybe I wouldn't ask these questions of a man, but they are being asked and I don't think they are bad questions. After we found out she was sick, we all asked how John Edwards would be able to take care of his wife if he was running for president. I think these are legitimate questions. I don't think the question of whether a woman can work and have a family should still be asked, but we're not talking about a small family, and we're not talking about an ordinary family. And we're certainly not talking about an ordinary job. We're talking about the family of a woman who is running for vice-president.

I'm confused. Here are some more thoughts:

1 comment:

Jill said...

I really identify with your emotions and feeling towards her (can you believe it!!!). A part of me is proud of the party for being so progressive, another part is scared of what her far right values may mean to our country. Especially Pro Life. I'm Pro Choice all the way and have been for all of my adult life. It scared me to think of how much control government can have over us if they can tell us what we can and can't do with our bodies! And now more recently for me, my embryos!

You're probably shocked to see me write that, but it's true! I'm not totally a "party line" person! Sarah confuses me too. I liked her speech and her tenacity. I hope that she will bring new hope to special needs families somehow. But, I completely know what you mean about going back to work immediately after having a baby. It bothered me because what if maternity leaves could change because of her. I'm rambling now...

Btw, I think your organization below looks awesome!!!