Friday, September 12, 2008

More Sarah

Really, I don't want this to turn into a political blog, but I know I can't not talk about Sarah Palin.

Here's Gloria Steinem's perspective. Most convincing is this quote:

"Palin has been honest about what she doesn't know. When asked last month about the vice presidency, she said, "I still can't answer that question until someone answers for me: What is it exactly that the VP does every day?" When asked about Iraq, she said, "I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq."

I suppose there's an argument that her honesty is refreshing. Instead of giving a political answer, she gives an honest one.

A Republican friend and I had an email exchange today about the issues surrounding Palin. She asked me why I think she's a gimmick and validly pointed out that every VP pick is a gimmick.
"Obama gets criticized on experience so he picks Biden. Kerry was a northeastern liberal so he picks a young, southern democrat to appeal to democrats who aren't as far left as the northeastern liberals and to independents. Gore is a southern democrat, so he picks Lieberman to appeal to the northeast and the independents. McCain had to pick someone young, attractive and charismatic, whether it was a man or a woman, and he needed to pick someone further to the right than him in order to bring back in the Christian conservative base."

My reply was this: Yes, every VP pick is a gimmick in a way and Joe Biden is no exception. I think McCain's pick of Palin, however, is particularly offensive to some (including me) because picking a woman is historic and it's important. The message you send with the woman you pick is very important. Like it or not, everyone is watching to see if she can make it and whether she does or doesn't will set the tone for how the majority of people feel about the competency of a woman in that high of a political office. Obama has a similar pressure. So, (1) many people don't believe that John McCain would have otherwise picked a woman, (2) he picked a "pretty" woman who seems to, despite her tenacity and success, take a backseat to him, not just as the potential president, but I think there is something about her demeanor that makes it seem like she is deferring to him as a "man" - I know that's reading a lot into it, but I've read articles by people who feel the same (3) there are other more qualified women in the Republican party - Kay Bailey Hutchison, Elizabeth Dole, etc. Why this woman hardly anyone had heard of before he picked her? I know she appeals to the far right, but really, she isn't qualified and the potential for her having to take over as President is stronger than with some VPs (Joe Biden also has a strong potential in my opinion, because I have no doubt there will be attempts at Obama's life, but that's an aside).

We had a very long exchange besides this - about qualifications and my struggle about my feelings on her as a mother. I won't share the whole exchange because I haven't asked her permission, but I really enjoy having political discussions with people who can respect what I have to say and who have intelligent things to say in response. I like politics, but admit to not being as well versed in all the issues as I should. Sadly, I know more than 90% of the American public.


Rebekah said...

For lots of different reasons that I don't have time to get into at the moment I have not decided whether or I am even voting this year (I know, I know, I should vote just because I have the right and people fought for that right), but here's an interesting comparison:

Who Am I?

I am under 45 years old,
I love the outdoors, I hunt,
I am a Republican reformer,
I have taken on the Republican Party establishment,
I have many children,
I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than
two years in the governor's office.

Did you guess?

I am Teddy Roosevelt - in 1900

Melissa said...

I admit to being a dolt when it comes to politics. I have a goal to become better informed about politics in general.

I'm fed up with claims from both sides because it appears to me that no matter what you say or who is behind you, can the president of the U.S. ever really deliver on any of his/her promises? And once they're elected, it seeems that no one likes anything about them. Until they're no longer in office, of course.

I know, that gives me away as being completely ignorant, but that's my simple mind's view.

I love reading what other people have to say about it.